A hot, lazy summer

Bird & Janis got me this awesome shirt for my birthday. It's for the band Post Stardom Depression. I don't even care what the band sounds like, because I think they have the cleverest name in the universe. It's my favorite shirt EVER.
It's 110 degrees here today. It's our seventh straight 100+ degree day. Prompting us to wonder why the hell we moved here in the first place. It's basically like winter all over again, because we're stuck indoors all the time - used to be to escape the rain, but now it's to escape the heat. Yuck.
Yesterday Hosie and I got to go on a date. :) We went to see An Inconvenient Truth at the Tower Theater. We were suitably freaked out. Especially since we saw it in the middle of such a crazy heat wave. Afterwards we spent a lot of time brainstorming about short and long term plans to cut our waste. Most of the things we could do seem big and unaffordable, like getting new windows, getting solar power, or replacing our old station wagon with a more earth friendly car. We're starting to think that in the very long run we should just get some land and build a self-sustaining house that is off the grid. So that when the world runs out of oil, we won't be totally screwed.
On a lighter note, Hosie got me a propane barbecue for my birthday. We had a few friends over to test drive it. The initial run of fake dogs & veggie burgers was so-so, but then Thad took over and showed me how to do the veggie kebobs, so they turned out really well. By the end of the day I was grilling pineapple for Hosie's special dessert like a pro.
The funny thing is that, contrary to all of our smashing-gender-stereotype personalities, all the boys hung out in the back yard building the barbecue, and all the girls hung out in the kitchen:

Anyway, none of you are here to hear about the adults, you are hear to witness cute pictures of our daughter... so check it out, here she is lazily falling asleep in the hammock while Nana watches. Rough life, huh?