Parenthood Strikes

One man's journey through fatherhood

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's 2:30 in the morning, and now this

We got Aria to bed tonight at about 9:30 or so. Then when we came to bed at about 11:15, we somehow woke her up. Bad. Awake until 2:15 a.m. Any proof we needed that we have completely lost all sense of things is here. First we just laid in bed trying to ignore it. Then we fought about it. That lasted a good hour. Then we resolved the fight, calmed her down, and figured she was finally ready to sleep at 1:15 or so. She fell asleep nursing, and meanwhile I fell asleep too. When Hosie moved to put Aria back in the crib it startled me and I jolted awake, which fucking woke Aria up again. Brilliant. Put her down in the crib and now we're back to trying to ignore it. I eventually picked her up and rocked her to sleep. It took almost a half an hour. The irony is that I'm so wound up and full of anxiety over whether she's really going to stay asleep this time that (ready for the punchline?) I CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP NOW.


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