in sickness and in health, part 2
So I caught Aria's bronchitis and was sick for a week. Actually who am I fooling with the "was" part, I'm still sick, just not nearly as bad anymore. So in case you weren't counting, that's 1+ week of super sick baby, followed immediately by 1+ week of super sick daddy. They tell me that this is what happens to parents, that you catch all of your kids' malicious diseases. Lovely. I don't remember ever having bronchitis before. In fact I don't really remember having most of the typical kid diseases, like pneumonia or measles or mumps or chicken pox or any of that stuff. I'm in for hell on earth as an adult. It's some kind of karmic payback for all the neighbors I tortured playing the bass and/or guitar and/or drums in my twenties. And oh god the years of trumpet too. All the angry neighbors are going to plague me with disease!
But wait there's fun stuff too! Lookit all this food on her face! Now that's a yummy carrot!

Apparently, all babies make this face, whether they're enjoying the food or not. Or so we've read. Anyway, Aria's now able to eat 1/4 to 1/3 of a small jar of baby food at one sitting. She's enjoyed apples, bananas, sweet potatoes, and of course carrots. She seems to like them all equally well.
There are lots more pictures, as you might expect. To save space here on the blog I've uploaded them to If you want me to send some to you then just email me.
In other news, Aria rolled over all the way from her back to her tummy on Tuesday for the first time. Also, she weighed in at 16 lbs 4 ounces a couple days ago.