Bike riding & Pancake cutting
Yesterday was a big day of firsts for the kids: Aria learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels (!!!!!), and Audrey learned how to cut her own pancakes with a fork. *sniff* They're all growns up.
The bike riding happened up at Folsom Lake. We parked at Beals Point, which was relatively deserted - note to self: mid-morning on a Sunday is the prime time to go to the lake. We brought the little trainer bike, the tricycle, and Aria's real bike. The girls were switching off on the little bike and tricycle for a while, going around in a circle on the bike path around our picnic table.
After about 45 minutes of that, Aria very nonchalantly took her real bike, casually said "I'm going to try this bike now," and walked it to the bike path. She got on, pushed for a while with her feet, and then just started pedaling. She made the whole loop with barely any swerving. That's how Aria does things. She waits and waits and waits until she's good and ready, then she just does them, right, on the first try. Hosanna and I were both watching, and we swelled up with pride, and got choked up.
Meanwhile, Audrey surprised me when I went to cut her pancakes in the morning by saying "I can do it." She grabbed the fork and just started cutting away - like she's been able to do it the whole time and was just humoring me.
I love those girls so, so, sooooo much. Like they started saying the other day, for what reason I'm not sure: "You know how much I love you? A hundred thousand thousand Rubbers." (Rubber our cat, obviously.)