The homecoming

Aria came home with us today, and we are so happy. We thought they weren't going to release her for a couple more days, but she was doing so well that they really didn't see any reason to hold on to her any longer.
We're just feeling so blessed to have her home. We got here about 4:00 p.m., and it has just been so peaceful. No noisy hospital machines. No crowded rooms full of bustling nurses. Just Aria, me, my wife, Aria's grandma, and our cats.
We watched the A's beat the Twins while breastfeeding, changing, and burping our new daughter. Everything is different. Every day from now on is a new challenge. But at least we are where we belong now.
Hi folks from Aunt Lynn. We (Harry and I) love your blog. Every day I look for more information. This morning I was rewarded with the new photo of Little Kat and the wonderful news that she is home. I can't wait to come up and see her.
Much love
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